
About Wayne

Wayne Kimmell grew up in Indianapolis Indiana.  He graduated from Emmerich Manual High School and attended Herron School of Art on a full scholarship.

After Herron, he began a career with a local advertising agency.  Promoted to Art Director, he traveled the country creating ads for RCA.

Later, Wayne started his own company designing and constructing stores,  restaurants, company show-rooms and homes. He was contracted by Delta Faucet headquarters in Indianapolis to design their national home builder showrooms and conference displays.

Wayne's passion for architecture and his love of antiques are evident in his stylized posters and mixed media paintings.  He had a gift for bringing life and energy to his beloved community of Irvington depicting local buildings, landmarks and parks into his unique posters.

Wayne Kimmell – 1940 to 2010



  • 57th Annual Indiana Artist's Exhibition Purchase Award
  • Indiana Art Director's Award
  • Art For Religion Indianapolis, Best of Show Award
  • Irvington Halloween Festival Poster Contest First Place Winner Awards